Running webpagetest from CLI

Sometimes you have a need to run web page load speed test without an UI. And of course, as per usual, there’s a node module for that.

I’ve been checking out and they do provide a web interface, and an api, as well

Besides those two sources, there’s also a node module for running the tests:

Here’s how to get it working (running on macOS at the moment).

  1. git clone
  2. cd webpagetest-api
  3. docker build -t webpagetest-api .
  4. Get the API Key from
  5. Run the test: docker run -it –rm webpagetest-api -k YOURAPIKEY test
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusText": "Ok",
  "data": {
    "testId": "190206_19_f4ed62b215aa61ed44085cdf0cac1779",
    "ownerKey": "c65d1fd5da5233aada1c4b1064bf39d05b4a81c4",
    "jsonUrl": "",
    "xmlUrl": "",
    "userUrl": "",
    "summaryCSV": "",
    "detailCSV": ""