Report Portal Installation


We do have a need to analyse the stability and usability of our tests, too. We do monitor our systems from here and there, check the code coverage of /development code/. Funny when you think about it, but test automation is part of development process and should be addressed as such. Even more if you’re developer who runs the code.
I have been running all sort of analytics based on test executions in Jenkins, written parsers in python and building dashboards on ELK -stack. And boy it has been fun 😀
Then I heard about this tool, Report Portal ( from a podcast from Joe Colantonio and decided to take a look. I am nowhere near to make any conclusions, but after a brief usage it does look promising.

Running locally

Report Portal has a demo environment you can try with your tests, but it really comes in handy if you host it yourself. And they provide instructions to that in I have followed the instructions and listing them down in here. To be honest, I do think they do brilliant job already and my notes here are more for myself. To recall the process in a better way and sure, and to get some clicks on my blog, too 😀
First of all, you’ll need to have `docker`installed. After that everything should be easy.
NOTE:  In MacOs (at least) you should allocate at least 5 GB memory to the docker process. I had only 2 GB and everything was looking good from the process side, except that I could not log in. I do recall running the same in Linux without changing anything and it just worked.
  •  mkdir ~/reportportal
  • cd ~/reportportal
  • Download the docker-compose -file:wget
  • mkdir -p data/elasticsearch 
  • chmod g+rwx data/elasticsearch
  • sudo chgrp 1000 data/elasticsearch (here’s a difference. I had to run the chgrp in MacOS as sudo)
  • docker-compose -p reportportal up -d --force-recreate
When the compose is ready, you should be able to browse to the Report Portal UI: http://localhost:8080/ui/
Log in using default/1q2w3e.

Robot Framework integration

In order to get the Robot Framework results to report portal, you need to use a separate library.  GitHub – reportportal/agent-Python-RobotFramework. I will create a new blog post on this and add more information there.

jmeter/Blazemeter integration

Basically all we have to do is to generate a junit.xml -report from the test run, zip it and then send it to the report portal API. I will create a new blog post on this and add more information there.

jest-puppeteer integration

GitHub – reportportal/agent-js-jest: ReportPortal agent for the Javascript Jest unit test framework. I will create a new blog post on this and add more information there.

Install Secure Lab Tools in Fedora 26

I am working my way to dive in to the world of security testing. We have been going through the tasks on 30 days of security testing from Ministry Of Testing Dojo. The themed tasks is actually a really good way to keep up in learning new topics and deepening your knowledge on different issues at hand. Ministry Of Testing has a nice series of themed months on the catalogue and I warmly recommend to check them out.

We have been doing the themed months a bit differently. First of all, we accept the fact that there is weekends and people do not have to live, breathe and urinate testing. Even though it does help from time to time. So, our approach has been mainly to do 30 days of testing during the weekdays. Which means that instead of 4 weeks, we’ll accomplish it in approximately 6 weeks.

Anyhow, one of the things beside the security testing challenge has been us having a course on Ethical Hacking. The course is available in Udemy and it is reasonably priced, so I recommend that, at least if you’re not familiar with penetration testing and hacking techniques in general.

So, we go through tools and techniques and use Kali Linux for that. Which seems to be powerful to use. As I am running Fedora 26 on my workstation, I am running the penetration test stuff on Fedora Boxes (more stable than VirtualBox), but I noticed that it would actually be nice to have the tools on my actual workstation, too.

So I went and googled a bit and as I knew, someone had already solved my issue.  As I am using Finnish language on the laptop, my installation command was like this:

# sudo dnf groupinstall Turvallisuuslaboratorio

For most of the people who do not have the capability to understand Finnish, it would make sense to use something more, how to put it, understandable language, like English.

So, in that case I suppose the command should work like this:

# sudo dnf groupinstall security-lab

By the way, while writing this, I did write the Kali Linux on a USB disk. It actually feels better to have it there than fooling around with virtual machines (in this case). Even though I’ll have to reboot the computer if I want to run it.

Install jMeter in Fedora

I was a bit surprised for Fedora not having jmeter in the repository, but then I thought I could as well do the thingy in the old way 😀

First of all, we need to get the release:


Then we need to extract it:

sudo tar -xzf apache-jmeter-3.1.tgz -C /opt/

After that, we create the symlink to the jmeter -binary:

sudo ln -s /opt/apache-jmeter-3.1/bin/jmeter /usr/local/bin/jmeter

And as last, we create a desktop shortcut:

vi ~/.local/share/applications/jmeter.desktop

[Desktop Entry]


That’s it. We’re done 😀


Run docker without sudo in Fedora 25

Sometimes things get weird. One could imagine that the documentation on docker ( could be up to date. And when it comes to installation itself, it actually is.

The problem is/was that I was forced to run the docker with sudo (reasons are explained on both pages linked here, I’m not going to repeat them), and while both sites gave a solution, the -instructions did not actually work. So I googled a bit more:

According to, you’ll have to run the following two commands in order to get docker executed without sudoing.
Basically you’ll add a docker -group and add yourself to it.

$ sudo groupadd docker && sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker && sudo systemctl restart docker
 $ newgrp docker

Install XMind to Fedora

I’ve been using XMind a lot for mindmapping. It has fulfilled my needs somewhat well, at least I cannot come up with anything to nag about from the top of my head.

Except that there is only *.deb -package available for Linux. For the love of <pick your favorite deity here>. Not all of us are using Ubuntu. Don’t get me wrong, Ubuntu is ok to use. I’m not using it due to our servers are running CentOS. To get to know the issues you might run into when dealing with production, you should be using same (or at least one that is based on the same architecture) operating system on your workstation. So i do have Fedora, which is not CentOS, but close enough. I do admit being lazy here, there is CentOS -desktop available, but to get the tools needed to work with that is so much harder than with Fedora, that I did not even try this time. I might do that in the future, though.

Enough for OS rant.

  1. Download Xmind for linux from vendor site
  2. Uncompress the deb -package with ar
    1. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ ar -x xmind-x.y-xyz-linux_amd64.deb
  3. There will be 2 tarballs extracted, data.tar.gz & control.tar.gz
  4. Untar data.tar.gz:
    1. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ tar xf data.tar.gz
    2. You get a subfolder usr/
  5. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ sudo cp -r usr/bin/ /opt/xmind/
  6. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ sudo cp -r usr/lib/ /usr/
  7. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ sudo cp -r usr/share/ /usr/
  8. Untar control.tar.gz:
    1. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ tar xf control.tar.gz
    2. You get a script ‘postinst’
  9. [bluntinstrument@testing Downloads]$ sudo sh postinst
  10. Create symlink for XMind:
    1. sudo ln -s /opt/xmind/bin/XMind /usr/local/bin/XMind

And you’re good to go 😀

I used this guide as a reference: 


Installing Ubuntu 15.04 on Dell Latitude D810

I do have this old laptop. Dell Latitude D810. It is otherwise quite ok, display resolution is excellent, CPU power is enough for browsing etc. The only thing that bothers me is the lack of memory, or so to say the limits of memory you can use. 2 GB of memory is nowadays below the minimum.

However, it manages to keep my writing going on and web browsing is actually easier and more efficient than with the Asus Eee PC 1101HA, which seems to lack the rest of everything you need to work around.

Ok, enough babbling. Back to the actual topic:

Installation procedure was pretty simple (this time).

  • Download Ubuntu 15.04 (32-bit version)
  • Write the downloaded image to USB disk:
    1. Plug in the USB
    2. umount /dev/sdb (in case needed, I didn’t have to, my Arch linux did not automount the disk)
    3. ]$ dd bs=4M if=Downloads/ubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso /dev/sdb
    4. Eject the USB -stick (eject /dev/sdb )
  • Plug in the USB stick to Dell Latitude D810
  • During the Start Up, press F12 and select USB device as the boot device
  • During the installation process, do not select the 3rd party software to be installed, it halts the computer.
  • If you have network cable, plug it in during the installation procedure and download the updates during the installation
  • After installation, restart the computer
  • When computer has been restarted, do the following:
    1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
    2. Run the following commands:
  ]$ sudo apt-get update
  ]$ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
  ]$ sudo modprobe -r b43 bcma
  ]$ sudo modprobe -r brcmsmac bcma
  ]$ sudo modprobe b43
  • Restart the computer

The information gathered above can be also found from Ubuntu WifiDocs -site. All I did was gathered it in a simplified list to be applied. Most likely the same approach should work to Debian, too.